Thursday, February 28, 2008

Re: A House Next to My House

Dear Axel,
My house has a house next to my house. How can I fix this?
A Guy with a House Next to His House.

Dear Guy with a House next to his house,

There are many ways to remedy this situation. The first way is simple, and it requires only two simple items: gasoline and a match.

Step 1:

Pour the gasoline all over the house.

Step 2:

Light the match and throw it at the house.

Birger has tried this one multiple times on me, and it always works. Just make sure no one sees you do it because then you might go to jail forever and ever and ever and ever...

Or you could close your eyes and pretend it isn't there. Birger tries this all the time with monsters, but it doesn't usually work. I'm pretty sure it will work with something that can't attack you, though.

Hope I helped.

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